Tuesday 4 January 2011

And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence.

Hello to all and welcome to my new blog, Wet Thud.  This page will be a home for my (almost) daily musings and rants concerning nearly anything that catches my interest.  Those who know me personally are aware that means this blog will centre mostly around music, but will occasionally find itself meandering hopelessly awry, as I sound off about anything presently rattling about my brain.

So, why "Wet Thud?"  Foremost, it satisfies my inner geek tendencies by referencing one of my favourite books of all time, Douglas Adams' 'The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.'  In one of the novel's more memorable passages, we enter an unsuspecting sperm whale's stream of consciousness and experience an all-too-brief life before succumbing to the effects of being hurdled at a planet from outer space.

"And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence," reads the full line.  I'd like here to make the arrogant move of re-interpreting that sentence completely out of context, and say the "silence" that follows the "wet thud" suggests the end of sound itself, and thereby leaves Wet Thud as the final and authoritative word on all things sonic.  I will consider that my role here as editor and general egoist.

Hmm, beyond that completely baseless logic, the name Wet Thud also reminds me of 'Icky Thump,' an album from Detroit's The White Stripes.  And really, what self-respecting music blog wouldn't want to be associated with the sixth studio release from a band they once kinda sort of thought were pretty alright?  Wet Thud determines relevance.

Initially I was having difficulty coming up with a name for the blog, and asked my friends on Facebook for suggestions.  Many offered amusing puns on my name, but one of my favourites was my friend Evan's (possibly joke) suggestion of "Melodic Slap."  Ultimately I ended up dismissing all recommendations, but I'd like to think that a Wet Thud is the sound of a Melodic Slap landing.

Wet Thud is the sound of you being put in your place.

Wet Thud is what you get when you drop the soap in the shower.

Wet Thud will be my outlet for writing short features about artists/bands I'm currently digging, write-ups about new tracks, videos, albums, live shows, movies, tv stuff and maybe more.  It will also eventually be home to an archive of my numerous Top 100 Lists (for ye olde Facebook followers), with links galore!

So, Wet Thud welcomes you.  Your feedback will always be welcomed and humoured accordingly.

Come back tomorrow and maybe I'll have actually said something about something.

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